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Kijoma to take the SLOW out of Anslow
on: Fri 09 of Nov, 2012 [10:08 UTC]  (27109 reads)
Our survey visit to Anslow was a success and we are now putting together the infrastructure and installation plan for the area.

The first location expected to go 'Live' will be the Anslow Business Park and its surrounding properties.

Anslow Knocks Rosliston off the top of the list !
on: Tue 23 of Oct, 2012 [12:47 UTC]  (21397 reads)
A recent flood of demand in the Anslow area has pushed Rosliston off the top spot for registered demand.
This means our service will come to Anslow sooner, as it will be surveyed first.

Our next survey visit will be around the first week of November, so not long to wait.

Remember, if you need our service then please tell us via "Contact Us" (top left of the site)
More coverage - Tatenhill , Rangemore, Callingwood, Rosliston , Caldwell
on: Mon 10 of Sep, 2012 [14:49 UTC]  (19017 reads)
3rd September 2012 - Tatenhill North went 'live'. This means all of Main Street is now covered and our installers have already connected customers there.

7th September 2012 - Callingwood Hall Farm Business Centre . Kijoma has provided the facility for our Super Fast service to all of the units there. Please contact us to enquire / order service.

8th September 2012 - Wilmore Lane, Rangemore now 'live'. As soon as our tests are complete, we will be instructing our installers to contact those who have requested service there.

Please note : Those who have read the Broadband entry in the recent Tatenhill Parish News, it falsely declares two of the areas above as 'not covered', amongst other vacuous statements.

The following have this week been successfully surveyed for our Super Fast service.

Sinai Park - Burton on Trent

Blakenhall Business Centre - Rosliston

The Forestry Centre - Rosliston (includes service for units on site - awaiting planning permission)

Bladon House School - Newton Solney (to be installed)

Pegasus School - Caldwell (installed)

Also other individual properties in the Burton on Trent area.

Areas with the lowest demand were left to last and sadly some of these failed to receive surveys within this timeslot.

Anslow, Caldwell , Hanbury , Newton Solney, Rosliston , Coton in the Elms
on: Tue 28 of Aug, 2012 [15:44 UTC]  (19808 reads)
We have received enquiries from all these areas in the last week, more demand is needed to justify placing one or more of them on our provisioning schedule.

If you live or work there or anywhere else in the area and need a decent Broadband service then please click "contact us" (see top left) and register your demand.

More coverage for Tatenhill
on: Mon 20 of Aug, 2012 [20:25 UTC]  (18011 reads)
While the installers are busy installing demand in the areas we cover, Kijoma's infrastructure team are addressing the areas still needing fill in Micro Relays.

One area is "Tatenhill North", this is encompassed by the Main Street North of the Church. This area is planned to 'go live' within a couple of weeks and we thank those waiting patiently for service while this work is ongoing.

We are also looking to survey for coverage outside the Tatenhill Parish too, so if you live in an area with poor Broadband and are within ~10 miles of Rangemore/Tatenhill then please click on "contact us" and register your no obligation interest now. The areas with the highest demand will be addressed first.
It's all well quoting 40 Mbps, but what will I actually receive?
on: Tue 14 of Aug, 2012 [19:51 UTC]  (3939 reads)
A common misconception is that Kijoma's service is like that received via phone lines and also via Fibre where the speed decreases with distance from the exchange/cabinet.

Here are some tests performed by a customer in Tatenhill on >

8/14/2012 2:13 PM GMT 109.205.158.xx 40.74 Mb/s 4.84 Mb/s 16 ms Coventry
8/14/2012 2:08 PM GMT 109.205.158.xx 41.64 Mb/s 4.84 Mb/s 21 ms Coventry
8/14/2012 2:07 PM GMT 109.205.158.xx 41.15 Mb/s 4.84 Mb/s 16 ms Coventry

They are on the Business Standard product at 40 Mbps download / 5Mbps upload.

This should dismiss that misconception.
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